11:00 – 22:00


11:00 – 20:00



+420 773 279 782



The Kathmandu – NEPALI restaurant
Dolní náměstí 25/40
779 00 Olomouc


The hallmark of any restaurant is quality of food and the level of service. In both categories, The Nepali Restaurant leaves its competitors outclassed. The attainment and maintenance of this position is not easy by any means; it requires relentless dedication, hard work and total commitment to the founding principles. In a nut shell, it concerns Buddha (the owner and founder) and his great team.

Buddha, a specialist in Asian cuisine, comes from Nepal. He graduated from the culinary academy in Nepal in 1998 where he had the privilege of being mentored from renowned experts. He was immediately employed as the First Level Chef in a prestigious local hotel under Swiss management. His culinary expertise and innovative approach soon caught the attention of international hunters that led to his move to Dubai. In the UAE capital, he worked as the Head Chef for one of the biggest catering company. He then relocated to Hong Kong to work in a casino restaurant and some 12 months later, he was appointed as the Lead Chef in a luxury hotel in Mauritius. Here is served for three years.

In 2009, Buddha accepted the offer of becoming a partner and Head Chef in a venture in Olomouc, The Himalaya Restaurant. Here, Buddha established himself as perhaps one of the most authentic chef of Indian cuisine. The food service was part of the pub menu where the restaurant was accommodated. Although a thriving outlet, differences between the owners led to closure of the pub and in 2015, Buddha took the plunge and founded his own restaurant, The Kathmandu (known today to the many loyal customers as the Nepali Restaurant). Given that there were, and still are, other Indian restaurants in Olomouc, Buddha´s customers from the days of the Himalaya followed him to the new location, in addition to the steadily growing number of new customers from Olomouc and far away.

So, what is that makes The Nepali such a sought after restaurant? It is all about the founding principles mentioned above, namely: family run business, fresh ingredients every day (spices from Pakistan/India/Nepal, Fresh coriander and parsley, curry is not ground or instant, etc.) quality meat and vegetables (daily meat supply from trusted vendors, fresh vegetables – fresh spinach leaves only), daily fresh cooking (no frozen recipes and no baking powder used in Nan bread as in other places), lively atmosphere in the restaurant, personal attention, generous portions, and above all, catering to the individual needs of each client (sometimes customers want only half a Nan and some rice). Like many other dedicated businesses, this is life and profession for Buddha and his team. It is not about quick money and making shortcuts; instead, it is all about honesty in approach and high quality of every dish. Even the buffet lunch menu is perhaps the most generous in the region; cooked fresh every day and constantly replenished.

From Buddha:
Our long term goal is to maintain the high level of customer satisfaction. We welcome comments and suggestions and we try to accommodate them as much as possible. We would like to expand to other cities but the visa processing system for importing culinary manpower from Nepal is daunting and extremely time-consuming. However, I never give up and one day I will be able to do so.

This is hard work but that is the way we like it. There are no complaints to date, and we would like to keep it that way.

We are deeply indebted to our customers for their loyalty and respect, and to our trusted suppliers for ensuring that we keep our promise. As the owner, I am also very grateful to my family and my team for their dedication and unwavering support.